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Giving to others is an integral part of leadership. Committed to this principle, the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation, California Women in Agriculture, nine county Farm Bureaus and the UC Davis College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences joined together to create the Common Threads North program in 2003. Over the years, enriched by partnerships with California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, California State University Chico, Center for Land-Based Learning, and Resource Conservation Districts, the Common Threads North program has grown to be one of the most prestigious and meaningful distinctions in the agricultural community and beyond.

​The Common Threads North Award recognizes women in agriculture who have chosen to make a difference in their communities and our world through philanthropy and service. It honors those exemplary individuals whose extraordinary contribution of time, energy and resources enhance the lives of all around them.

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The Common Threads Award recognizes women who have made a remarkable and visible contribution to the enhancement of their communities. Women who have shown extraordinary participation in the community with their time and/or contributions will be selected by a panel of Common Threads Partner representatives from the nominations that are submitted this year.

Each spring, an awards dinner honoring the year’s recipients will be held in Northern California (alternating between Chico and the Sacramento area). Nominees, past recipients, their families and friends, industry guests and supporters are encouraged to attend. 

Nominations for the Common Threads North Award are accepted year-round, and those not selected will be considered again the following year. Completed nomination packets are due by November 15, with announcements of the winners made after January 1.

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Common Threads North is a program of the Butte Agriculture Foundation, Inc., a 501 (c)3 nonprofit for public and charitable purposes organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.

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